Now in its third year, the annual ITII (Incentive Travel Industry Index) is fast becoming an indispensable report on the state of incentive travel, providing stakeholders with empirical data on its current and future evolution. This year’s findings are timely and meaningful as the industry prepares to recover anew in a post-COVID future. In the coming months we will look at various learnings from this report and share with you here on Motivate.



COVID 19 has impacted the incentive industry drastically – with the cancelling of incentive programmes, rescheduling of events and even closures of some DMCs and incentive houses. However, with the prospect of a vaccine looming, it is important to analyse and evaluate when and how buyers predict incentive travel will return. The ITII 2020 survey and its results have allowed phenomenal access into the thoughts and minds of incentive agents and its end-users. This data can help us understand how to market our destinations, what markets to target and how the industry will be shaped in the future.

As usual, the ITII survey and its results have given some great insights into the trends in the incentive industry – programme inclusions, popular destinations, pace of RFPs, etc – however there is none more interesting than the buyers approach to COVID and in what way this has impacted how and when they will book their future incentive travel programmes.

This is a 6 part series in which we will give key insights into how buyers in different markets (European and North American) have responded to the pandemic. We will highlight how their overall programmes have changed, as well as what is most important to them when placing a piece of business for the future. By comparing and contrasting the two different regional approaches, suppliers will gain insights into where and how they should target these varying markets moving forward.



In total we had 249 buyers from European countries and 537 buyers from North American countries. Buyers were categorised as end-users (i.e. a corporate company) or as an incentive travel agency. A higher proportion of end-users (30%) came from North America when compared to European end-users (20%). However, this does not come as a surprise as North America is one of the more prominent incentive markets in the world, with many companies already having strong vested interest and investment in incentive travel programmes.